Michigan Central An HO Scale Railroad by Randall Page
The MC was formed in 1846 to provide rail between Detroit and St. Joseph Michigan. In 1867 it became a part of the New York Central System, yet it still operated under the MC name. By the 1950's it was fully merged into the NYC and the Michigan Central name was added to the growing list of fallen flags.
The Michigan Central's primary focus is railroading during World War 2 around the area of Detroit, Michigan. Detroit was key in manufacturing and distributing much of the United States war production. Aircraft, tanks, jeeps and trucks of all types were built and sent to the front lines, the majority of it by rail. In addition the MC moved troops and people in numbers never before seen. It is hoped that this layout will give operators a taste of what it may have been like to move the nations goods and people in 1944.
This two level layout is in a unique space located above a large garage/workshop. This makes for several interesting challenges due to slanted ceilings, knee-walls and bi-level floors. Central heat and cooling maintains comfort and a full bathroom on the ground level will provide relief. Digitrax provides the DCC operating system Operations include freight, passenger and troop train movements. Upto12 operators are required, with positions of Dispatcher, Yard Master and Switch engine, Military switcher, Dearborn switch, Willow Run local and several Road crews.
The MC is focused on the area between Windsor and Ypsilanti Michigan. Some creative compression was required to make things fit as needed to stay true to the emphasis of WW2 railroading. Some of the key locations will include; Ford's Willow Run bomber plant, Selfridge Army Air Corps Base, MCs Junction Yard, the Michigan Central Depot, and the Windsor Tunnel.